Thought Leadership Studio Podcast Episodes:

How to Make Your Message Magnetic

Episode Four: Draw an Enraptured Audience to a Magnetic Vision of Your Thought Leadership


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Magnetize Your Message

Build out your message in your imagination to bring out its power, then you will naturally be more compelling. The same language of amplifying sensory experience also works through spoken and written words for your followers... not to mention the physiology and tonality of congruent, passionate engagement with a message that matters. Think in terms of a big vision, full of drama, overflowing in light, sounds, and feelings from all directions.

Expand the Senses

  • Visual: Expand the size of the image, bring it closer, make it brighter, 3-dimensional, a vivid, detailed movie. Make sure you see your audience in the movie, emotionally moved by the enriched lives you have helped lead them to.
  • Auditory: Add encouraging voices ... maybe a choir, singing words of encouragement from all directions, turn up the volume, add music, crank up the PA speakers and subwoofers. Have one of those little, inner, critical voices in your head? Drown it out with positive sounds.
  • Kinesthetic: Feel the ground rumbling as fireworks go off all over, feel the magnetic pull of your vision pulling you, along with your audience, into a compelling future. Feel all the emotions of having achieved victory in positive, transformative leadership.
  • Olfactory/Gustatory: Imagine the smells and flavors of a wonderful "victory meal" you symbolically enjoy, at least in your imagination, with your audience.

What if you don't already have a clear Thought Leadership Position that informs your message?

  • If you want one to solve a problem, imagine that problem already solved... don't worry about "how". Step fully into the feelings of it done. Notice where those feelings are and how they move. Amplify them.
  • If you want to create an opportunity, imagine how you'll feel with the ideal opportunity already created. Don't worry about what it is yet. Step fully into the experience of all the benefits you imagine it will bring you and your audience, feeling it completely. Amplify those feelings.
  • Whether a problem solved or opportunity generated, stepping into the feelings of what things will be like when you have created and effectively implemented Strategic Thought Leadership will trigger unconscious processes so ideas will come to you. Those ideas might come in disguises, or try to sneak by in the shadows, though. Be alert so they don't get away unnoticed. Ninja ideas are sometimes the best.
  • For specific methods to stimulate creativity, check out this blog post or this podcast episode with Thought Experiments for Creativity.

What if you aren't sure your Thought Leadership Position meets the criteria for a moving, powerful message?

The "Prerequisites to Strategic Thought Leadership" infographic pdf below (members only) reiterates some of the points from the podcast for a "well formed" Thought Leadership Model that fuels your communication. For a deeper dive, check out the Marketers Guide to Strategic Thought Leadership pdf.

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Prerequisites to Strategic Thought Leadership

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Written by Chris McNeil, Strategic Thought Leadership NLP Coach and Consultant, Founder of Thaut, host of Thought Leadership Studio podcast, and Creator of the Thaut Process of Strategic Thought Leadership.

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