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Episode 93 - Crafting Impactful Narratives: How Storytelling Elevates Influence, Engagement, and Thought Leadership Success
Episode 92 - Unlocking Hidden Revenue: The Power of Customer Lifetime Value, Strategic Upsells, and Jay Abraham-Inspired Marketing for Thought Leaders
Episode 88 - Unlocking Value and Wealth Consciousness: Israel Duran’s Framework for Integrating AI, Social Media, and Speaking to Amplify Impact
Episode 87 - Amplify Your Influence: Leveraging Podcast Guesting to Build Authentic Connections and Elevate Thought Leadership
Episode 86 - Building Authentic Connection: Standing Out, Engaging Audiences, and Growing a Thriving Online Business
Episode 85 – From Door-to-Door Sales to Digital Influence: Kim Willis on Building Authority, Relationships, and Business Growth through Content Strategy
Episode 84 - Shifting from Data Targeting to Audience Connection: Building Authentic Influence through Strategic Thought Leadership Content
Episode 76 - Strategies for Building Credibility and Thought Leadership: Insights from a Top PR Pro and Author
Episode 73 - Beyond the Campaign: Caroline Crawford's Vision for Strategic Marketing as a Business Partner
Episode 60- Navigating the Sales Maze with Empathy-Driven Sales Strategies
Episode 48 - Where Philosophy Meets Storytelling, Creating Narratives that Resonate and Inspire.
Episode 44 - On Why Great Minds Think Alike and Scripting the Stories of Marketing
Episode 42 - Combining mindset, self-belief, and the right strategy for your coaching or consulting practice
Episode 40 - Gain insight into the founding and vision of marketing tech company Opal Labs from its founder
Episode 39- AI versus Search Engines like Google, methods for using ChatGPT for Thought Leadership, adapting the Skyscraper Strategy from SEO
Episode 32 - Learn a six-question Self-Assessment of the Depth of Strategy in Your Content Marketing or PR Campaign. Including Prompts that use ChatGPT to help build Strategic Thought Leadership.
Episode 22 - Interview with Michael Finney - Author of How to Create a Personal Brand in 10 Steps
Episode Nineteen - Increase your positive influence by adding depth and power to your communication.
Episode Seventeen: Learn how to use social media for thought leadership from B2B thought leader and top technology influencer Evan Kirstel.
Episode Nine: How to Always Have Plenty of Internet Marketing Topic, Copy, and Media Ideas... and do it in a way that is supported by a solid strategic direction.
Episode Five: A back-story is a hidden structure like a skeleton. George Lucas' use of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey for Star Wars is an example of the archetype level of back story. And there are 2 other levels of back-story building used in Strategic Thought Leadership.
Episode Four: Draw an Enraptured Audience to a Magnetic Vision of Your Thought Leadership
Episode Two: Shift between the role of the audience, the director, and the screenplay writer for a triple-perspective approach to thought leadership. And the 3-Eyed Lion.
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