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Episode 92 - Unlocking Hidden Revenue: The Power of Customer Lifetime Value, Strategic Upsells, and Jay Abraham-Inspired Marketing for Thought Leaders
Episode 91 - A Masterclass on Mental Models for Strategic Thought Leadership - Charting New Territories: How Thought Leaders Reshape Mental Models, Create Influence, and Redefine Success
Episode 90 - Leveraging Systems Thinking, Root Cause Analysis, and Leadership Clarity to Tackle Business Challenges and Unlock Sustainable Success
Episode 88 - Unlocking Value and Wealth Consciousness: Israel Duran’s Framework for Integrating AI, Social Media, and Speaking to Amplify Impact
Episode 87 - Amplify Your Influence: Leveraging Podcast Guesting to Build Authentic Connections and Elevate Thought Leadership
Episode 85 – From Door-to-Door Sales to Digital Influence: Kim Willis on Building Authority, Relationships, and Business Growth through Content Strategy
Episode 82 - Navigating Brand Transgressions: Principles for Accountability, Transparency, and Long-Term Success from the Authors of Managing Brand Transgressions
Episode 81 - Leveraging Peer Feedback and Self-Mastery: How Masterminds Can Facilitate Growth, Accountability, and Strategic Thought Leadership
Episode 80 - Harnessing the Power of Routines, Mental Clarity, and Focus to Elevate Personal and Professional Growth
Episode 79 - Strategic Matchmaking in Marketing: Behdad Jamshidi on Finding Passionate Partners, Leveraging AI, and Advancing Online Messaging
Episode 78 - Mastering the Art of Sales: Bob King on Ethical Closing Techniques, Building Customer Trust, and Transforming Sales Teams
Episode 77 - Awakening to Authentic Leadership: Jamie Damsker's Journey from Fighter Aviator to Transformative Coach
Episode 76 - Strategies for Building Credibility and Thought Leadership: Insights from a Top PR Pro and Author
Episode 74 - Elevating Leadership: Harnessing Strategic Thinking and Planning for Executive Success with the Author of "Strategic"
Episode 72 - Charting the Journey: From SEO Expertise to Digital Marketing Innovation and Self Mastery in Business
Episode 70 - Harnessing the Power of Authenticity and Community: Insights from Samantha Kelly on Building Influence and Positive Change Through Social Media
Episode 63 - From Reporting the News on CNN to Helping Create It. Authenticity and Presence in Leadership.
Episode 62 - Scaling New Heights: Herb Cogliano's Insights on Leadership and Business Growth
Episode 54 - Your Network is your Net Worth. Transform your business from a transaction-based approach to a relationship-based approach while Doing Business with a Servants Heart
Episode 53 - Emotii and Dr. Brian Sullivan's Journey of Insight and Innovation. Recognizing opportunities for innovation and bringing them to life, humanizing data gathering and making the subjective objective.
Episode 52- Want to grow? Grow with Balance and Get Your Time and Life Back with Insight from Dr. Travis Parry
Episode 50 - Interview with Brooke Janousek, the Grow CMO, on embracing boldness, leaving the comfort zone, aligning brand values, and the journey of the digital nomad
Episode 49 Interview with Sarah Stones of Plain Sailing Motivation - Gain Insights into Motivation, Unlock Self-awareness, and Uncover Hidden Potential
Episode 47 - Tom Jackobs is the Impact Pilot and Founder of the Jackobs Effect. He makes storytelling an art and a science.
Episode 46 - Levels of story-telling beyond the basic structures, accelerated learning, high-level influence, and the power of myth
Episode 45 - Explore the layers of growth, including building hope, identity, purpose, and influence, to create lasting change. with Marko Kasic of FundLife
Episode 40 - Gain insight into the founding and vision of marketing tech company Opal Labs from its founder
Episode 35 - Pivotal Influences in designing Thaut as a structure for strategic, positive market impact and exponential growth
Episode 34 - Mental Skills for Thought Leadership and Market Leadership - How Taking Multiple Perspectives Opens Up Creative Possibilities and Enables High-Impact Positive Influence
Episode 33 - Gain inspiration and insight from a multi-faceted approach successfully used to positively transform organizations.
Episode 31 - Intentionally structure communication to move people to your point of view. Without attention to a structure of influence, communication may be eloquent but still fall short of its intended impact
Episode 30 Thought Leadership implies changing thinking. How to identify thinking that is ripe for change yet has high impact.
Episode 29 - Translate ideas into full business impact. Round out your go-to-market approach with the wisdom of consultant Andrew Miller
Episode 27 - Stephanie Sheller on Using the Violin to Teach Creativity in Business, ADHD and the Learning Entrepreneur, and More
Episode 24 - Attain and Apply the Ideal State for Strategic Thought Leadership and Other Areas of Performance with the CHAIFIE method
Episode 21: Overcome Common Misconceptions About Thought Leadership and Create a Powerful Model Using the Structure of Language
Episode Fourteen: Supercharge your thought leadership: Tap into more inspiration and motivation by building a support and accountability team in your imagination.
Episode Thirteen: Step outside the common assumptions of your field, business, or profession, be an effective rule-breaker, and lead your audience to new thinking.
Episode Eleven: Let's Make Business, Leadership and Persuasion More Like Music and Less Like War. Or, How to Choose Your Metaphor.
Episode Seven: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is key for the market insight that finds opportunities and the impact that comes from high level persuasion. It also helps access states of inspiration necessary for the creative side of business.
Episode Four: Draw an Enraptured Audience to a Magnetic Vision of Your Thought Leadership
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